Do you wanna develop an app?



We innovate and focus on abstract concept instead of looking only at specific platform.


On each project we select the best
architecture to support future expansion.

Open source

We open source a lot of our libraries to help others.

What we offer

  • Android native development
  • Android and iOS React Native development
  • Consulting services
    • Solution investigation
    • Architecture review
    • Code review
    • CI/CD pipelines
    • Repository branching strategy
  • VR visualizations based on 3D models
  • Connections to elite partners for various platforms


We know independent layers will simplify testing and add possibility to replace any of components.

Pixel Perfect

We care about each pixel in design and can recommend best practices.


Solid foundation on each project allows future project to expand on many layers.

We ❤ what we do

We have experience from the simplest apps to large enterprise systems. No matter the complexity, we approach with love and commitment.

Featured Work


“I worked on different projects with some of the best developers. Dominik and Matus are the two single most valuable people I had a chance to collaborate with. Their passion for new technologies and love of learning drives their technical expertise to levels that are not commonly seen. Having great interpersonal skills, they naturally became the absolute core of every any project. Just one stat to demonstrate – they were the #1 and #6 most active people on Slack in a company with 6000 employees. This shows how central they became to our development activities. Anyone working with them will soon discover what a great asset they are.”

Product Owner – WIRECARD

“Dominik and Matus are great in what they do and you can really tell that coding is their passion. Their ability to make their proposed state-of-the-art, technical solutions transparent and easy to understand to the business side is a big plus. In my time working with them, they have never failed to deliver high quality solutions in a blink of an eye. They show a high responsiveness to any questions or requests that come in, also on short notice. Those guys take your project to the next level quickly!”

Sunniva Darcy
Senior Business Analyst – PagoNxt

“I worked with Matus and Dominik over many years and can honestly say that they are supreme experts in mobile app development. They both bring a passionate interest in mobile app architecture and technologies, great soft skills and a real understanding of the business perspective to everything they do, as well as being extraordinarily fast and effective at coding and troubleshooting. I could see that they were always highly valued and respected by all stakeholders, not only for these skills but also for their positive attitude and the supportive atmosphere they engendered in every team they worked with.

Contact us to get info on size and skill set of our team

Our team consist of professionals that work in the field from the start of platforms. We always try to innovate and find the next big thing that will help us create great apps covered with test and automatic CI/CD pipelines.